Why do Gorillas Beat their Chests? If this question still lingers in your head, this article is made for you. Here is all you need to know about mountain gorillas and gorilla behaviors and ways to survive a gorilla attack. The male gorilla’s motive for thumping his chest is multifarious, similar to fighting cocks or even adrenaline-fueled human males that do it to try to assert dominance. Here is all you need to know about – Why do Gorillas Beat their Chests?
Why do Gorillas Beat their Chests?
Why does gorilla hit their chest? – Male Mountain gorillas are famous for their chest pounding and not so much research has yet revealed why these giant creatures do so. Usually, gorillas beat their chests quickly with cupped hands in quick succession while standing bipedally. The sound of the chest-thumping is distinctive because it is not a vocalization, like the croaking of frogs, but rather a type of audible and visual-gestural communication. Why do Gorillas Beat their Chests? – Research shows that gorillas exhibit this behavior not to instigate fights, but to prevent them—and chest-pummeling could be used to advertise their body size to other gorillas.
Mountain gorillas are social creatures that form close-knit family units under the leadership of silverback males, whose dominance is frequently contested by other males. By advertising their size, mating status, and fighting ability via sounds that can travel long distances through thick rainforests, the silverbacks are signaling would-be challengers that they better think again before starting a ruckus.
As it usually reflects fighting or competitive ability, the body size is a crucial characteristic in many species. Previous studies conducted by this team demonstrated that larger males had higher levels of social dominance and reproduction success than smaller males.
In order to judge the competitive capacity of the silverback gorilla and determine whether to initiate, escalate, or retreat in aggressive conflicts with them, rival males are likely to pay attention to the body size information transmitted in chest beats. On the other hand, females are more inclined to consider this information when selecting possible partners.
To smaller males, the sound of a silverback’s chest beat may discourage them from approaching. Similarly, a silverback may hear the beats made by a smaller male nearby and decide that he’s too puny to bother with. Mountain Gorillas are some of the few creatures that share behavioral patterns with humans.
What happens if you beat your chest in front of a gorilla?
When you pound your chest that means you have engaged the gorilla in a battle for the privilege to mate with females when you pound your chest. Here, the massive creatures are likely to charge aggressively at you and in case this happens, one is likely not to survive the attack. You want to battle for the right to mate. You have willingly entered into combat.
Do female gorillas beat their chests?
In contrast to the male giant silverbacks, female gorillas beat their chests when they are arguing with another female in the group or when a youngster is irritating her, the female gorilla will typically pound her chest