Mountain Gorillas are among the most endangered primate species. The mountain gorillas can only be found in three African countries Uganda, Rwanda, and D.R Congo. Gorilla trekking safaris are popular on most travelers’ bucket list and this has increased the curiosity of most visitors especially when it comes to understanding the facts about mountain gorillas. Questions like Do Gorillas Drink Water? Where are gorillas found? When do gorillas drink water? These are just a few of the many questions asked about mountain gorillas
Gorillas in Bwindi
Gorillas are primarily herbivores, meaning they mainly consume plant-based foods. Their feeding patterns and diet can vary depending on the species, but in general, gorillas are known to have a vegetarian diet that mainly consists of leaves, shoots, stems, fruits, and vegetation such as bamboo.
Do Gorillas Drink Water? Yes, mountain gorillas do drink water. Like all living things they require water to survive. However, the exact frequency of their water intake and their reliance on water sources can vary depending on factors such as the season, availability of water in their habitat, and the moisture content of the vegetation they consume.
Mountain gorillas generally obtain most of their water needs from the plants they eat. Their diet consists of moisture-rich vegetation, including leaves, stems, and shoots, which provides them with a significant amount of hydration. They may also consume dew from the leaves in the early morning.
Since mountain gorillas live in the dense forests of high-altitude regions, they have access to natural water sources like streams, springs, and small rivers. They also drink directly from these sources as well. However, unlike some other primate species, they do not typically rely on free-standing bodies of water, such as lakes or ponds, for their water requirements.
However as mountain gorillas primarily obtain water through their diet, they will drink from water sources when necessary, ensuring they meet their hydration needs for survival.
Grauer’s Gorillas: These gorillas, also known as Eastern Lowland Gorillas, have a diet that consists mainly of leaves, stems, piths, and shoots from a variety of plants. They occasionally consume seeds, fruits, and flowers.
Mountain Gorillas: Mountain gorillas primarily feed on leaves, shoots, stems, and piths from various plants. They also consume a small amount of fruits when available but largely depend on vegetation due to their habitat in high-altitude forests.
Gorillas have large jaws and strong teeth designed to chew and process tough plant material. They spend a significant amount of their day foraging and browsing for food, and their diet is essential for meeting their nutritional requirements. It’s worth noting that while gorillas are primarily herbivorous, there have been rare observations of them occasionally consuming small insects or termites, but this behavior is considered supplemental rather than a significant part of their diet.
Our Knowledge about gorillas is truly amazing and will make your gorilla trekking safari in East Africa more interesting. Check out some of our gorilla trekking packages for inspiration today.